قصة أين بيتي

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  • Bebo is a little frog called a "tadpole", however, Bebo looks more like a fish than a frog. It lacks legs and hands, yet it has a tail and gills which uses them for breathing under water. Bebo starts to feed on the little aquatic organisms, so… To know more, read the story أين بيتي؟


     أين بيتي؟ story comes within children short story series for kids issued by Dar Al Manhal entitled , نادي القراءة العلوم المستوى الثاني. The series, نادي القراءة العلوم المستوى الثاني presents a group of picture stories for kids, where they are introduced to one of the animals' youngsters through a simple story and amazing graphics. Each story aims to make the kids discover the surrounding environment, and at the end of each story they get to know the animal through real images with a brief about its home, food and so on.

    Soft Cover
    Product Dimensions and Weight
    21 cm
    21 cm
    90 Gm
  • 2020-01-27 12:14:15
$ 4
  • Science Stories
  • Story
  • Dr. Rana AlFityani
  • 2006
  • Arabic
  • 6-8 Year