كتاب براعم العربية 01

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  • براعم العربية  curriculum is one of Dar Al Manhal's curriculum books offered for 5-6 year old children. It comes in three books:، براعم العربية المستوى الأول براعم العربية المستوى الثاني, and التمارين والأنشطة براعم العربية المستوى الثاني .

    The book براعم العربية المستوى الأول aims to teach kids basics of Arabic language through eight units. Each unit teaches a number of basic Arabic language letters, in addition to teaching some diacritics and so on.

    In براعم العربية المستوى الأول book we did not follow the alphabetical order of the Arabic letters (أ ب، ت، ث، ج...), but we decided to put the Arabic letters in an order that is based on easiness and commonness which facilitates on both learning and teaching Arabic language.

    The book براعم العربية المستوى الأول is characterized by choosing its subjects from the kids' real lives and environment, like (Toy Town, In the Farm, My Computer, With the Neighbors...) each unit of the book includes a beautiful song and a story with distinguished graphics that develops kids speaking skills and stimulates their imagination. 

    Soft Cover
    Product Dimensions and Weight
    21 cm
    28 cm
    215 Gm
$ 7.5
  • Arabic
  • Zeinat AlKarmi Dr.Abdullah AlKhabbas
  • 2010
  • Arabic
  • 4-5 Year