كتاب واحة العربية 02

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  • The book   واحة العربية المستوى الثاني relied in its curriculum on reading and writing skills in teaching children the Arabic letters through words which suite children's level and surroundings.

    واحة العربية المستوى الثاني book also introduces the alphabetical order of letters ( أ، ب، ت، ث، ج...), taking into account placing the vowels (أ، و، ي) at the beginning of the book this is due to its importance in teaching the syllables (با، بو، بي...).

    Each lesson in واحة العربية المستوى الثاني book teaches one Arabic letter, separate and connected, through words illustrated in beautiful graphics taking into account highlighting the letter in subject in a different colour.

    The exercises in واحة العربية المستوى الثاني book are gradual among each set of letters where it uses pattern to develop the accuracy of observation and concentration and it is considered as a revision for what the children have learned

    The book واحة العربية المستوى الثاني is one of Dar Al Manhal's educational books and there is also a special edition of the book using Al Ruq'ah calligraphy.

    واحة العربية المستوى الثاني curriculum is part of children educational books which aims to teach chidren the Arabic language in an easy and simple manner and it come in two levels: واحة العربية المستوى الأول and  واحة العربية المستوى الثاني

    Soft Cover
    Product Dimensions and Weight
    21 cm
    28 cm
    140 Gm
  • 2018-09-09 13:40:21
    2019-10-30 16:13:26
    2020-09-01 06:33:42
    2021-02-04 05:26:02
    2021-02-19 01:13:07
    2021-03-04 13:36:37
    مقاطع فيديو
    2021-04-07 15:14:25
    2021-04-14 17:57:38
    2021-04-26 20:18:40
    2021-07-08 08:52:50
$ 7
  • Arabic
  • Zeinat AlKarmi
  • 2008
  • Arabic
  • 4-5 Year